I always exaggerate proportions but Ill tell you this guy is BARELY exaggerrated, he was so skiny he looked beyond anorexic, He was really tall and that big mop of hair was awesomely huge and was that exact proportion to his body. I wish I had an actual photo. He was walking up the steps while my fiance' and I were eating Ramen outside at Orochon in Little Tokyo

the Shirtless Giant. Saw this guy walking along the street on the way to work the other day. Hilarious proportions.

Old friends of mine from 20 years ago. I think we were watching Twin Peaks before heading out to a goth club.

A voluptuous specimen of a man. Interesting looking guy with no curves or real defining physical features except for huge voluptuous hips. And the skinny jeans with the tucked in shirt just helped accentuate it. He'd make a great cross-dresser! :-)

Saw this person walking around the FOX Film Lot.......

This guy was at Coffee Bean the other day. Looked like a real muscular guy in his gym clothes wearing a fancy detective hat.....